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The availability of this site is not guaranteed and we cannot be held responsible if it becomes unavailable at any time. We reserve the right to suspend access to the site without prior notice.
We are not responsible for any damages that may result from the use or inability to use this site or any materials it contains. The views expressed on this site are ours alone and should not be considered legal or professional advice. If you require legal or other professional advice, we recommend consulting with a qualified adviser.
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This site includes links to other websites, which allow you to leave this site and access the linked sites directly. However, we are not responsible for the content on these linked sites or any links found on them. Additionally, we are not responsible for any transmissions received from linked sites. The inclusion of links on this site is for the purpose of directing visitors to our site, and does not constitute endorsement of the information on the linked sites or approval of those sites.
Use of the received pieces of writing
You are not allowed to put your name on any writing provided by our service (referred to as the “Product” hereafter). The Products and any other written materials provided to you are intended for research and reference purposes only. We do not condone or engage in plagiarism or any other forms of academic fraud or dishonesty. We strictly adhere to copyright laws and will not allow any customer to engage in plagiarism or violate these laws. You agree that any Product or other written material provided to you is only intended as a model or example document for research use, and any text or ideas borrowed, referenced, or otherwise used from our document in your own original paper must be properly cited and attributed to our website.
Our company and any affiliates or partners will not be held responsible for any unethical, illegal, or wrongful use of the Products or other written material received from our website. This includes plagiarism, legal action, poor grades, expulsion, academic probation, loss of scholarships, awards, grants, prizes, titles, positions, failure, suspension, or any other disciplinary or legal consequences. The buyer of material from our website is solely responsible for any disciplinary action resulting from the improper, unethical, or illegal use of the material.
We will not be held responsible for any delays or technical problems in the delivery of the Product due to any malfunction of the customer’s mail server or internet connection.
Service Provider.
We don’t guarantee any particular grade and you cannot ask for refund in case you were poorly assessed